A new chapter begins…


The new website and podcast are here and ya’ll this has been such a labor of love. I am no website designer but with the help of Claire from BloomingDesign.Co I have this beautiful new website. If you are in the market for a user friendly website template head on over to Claire and let her know I sent you. This is my second template from her and she is such a sweet human to work with!

Also the podcast as had a new makeover! I am absolutely obsessed with it! If you are in the Facebook Community you have been on this journey with me during this whole rebrand process and it has been so fun to be able to build this together!

What started out as a hobby (the podcast and the website) has now taken on a main role. I have learned so much, grown so much and have so much that I want to share with this community after this year and I want to bring you along on the journey with me. So often, we see successful women and they have it all together:

  • Their Marriages are thriving

  • Their kids are superstars

  • Their businesses are booming

  • Their houses are spotless

  • They have dinner on the table every night at 5pm sharp

Listen up girlfriend, that ain’t me. There is a very strong chance that this will never be me. I am a hot mess express. In all areas of my life. But guess what? That doesn’t mean that I can’t make an impact. That doesn’t mean that what I have to say isn’t worth listening to because I don’t have a perfectly curated life. I don’t want to be secretive and withholding from you until I “make it”. What’s the point in that? I want you to take my hand and come with me as navigate this hot mess of a life so that I can show you that no matter where you are in this moment, you too can create and go after the life that you love and want to live. I want this friendship to be like we are chatting over a bottle of bubbly with a fuzzy blanket while reruns of the Golden Girls plays in the background. Ok?

Changing the name of the podcast was pretty daunting. The Gratitude part most people understood (I’ve been preaching about gratitude to anyone that would listen for the last 4.5 years), but the Grit left some women confused. So I wanted to take a moment to explain. Grit can be defined as courage and resolve, or the strength of character. It can also be defined as the passion and perseverance for long-term and meaningful goals. Another word that comes to mind when I think of grit is resilience.

Some of the goals that I have for 2022 include ways I can show up and serve you. I am so passionate about the message that I have for ambitious moms and lady bosses like yourself and being able to help you unlock your potential ignites a fire in my soul! I love helping women just like you. I can’t wait to work with you and show you all of the things that you can achieve with your own grit and your own gratitude.

After my son Grayson passed away at the beginning of this year I lost sight of who I was and what I wanted tot do. I realized that I was playing small because I thought I had time to figure it out. I thought I had time to perfect it and get it right. I was wrong. Time is precious and not guaranteed. I realized that yes, I only have one life but I don’t know when my time is up and I decided to stop playing small. I decided to shoot my shot and say yes to all the things that scare me. Is it hard? You bet it is. But you know what? I have overcome ever single hard thing that has been thrown my way and so have you. Here we are standing, having made it through some of the darkest times and situations that we never thought we would overcome. so cheers to us, girlfriend because we are capable of overcoming hard things!

Sitting down to map out what I want 2022 to look like I became anxious. Call it shell shock, call it PTSD, call it whatever you want to call it, but your girl was terrified to look towards the future. Remember what I said about saying yes to everything that scares me? Well planning 2022 scared me because when I sat down this time last year to plan 2021, the year crumbled beneath me. But I decided to dance with the fear instead of run away from it and I have mapped out some big goals for the new year. In the past, I have picked a word or theme to be my anchor for the year, and for 2022, one word kept coming to mind: Consistency. I am afraid of this because I have yet to master it. So how do I plan to stay consistent for the entire year? I have a new mantra, or as I like to call it my battle cry and it goes like this:

Live with Intention. Lead with Gratitude and Leave it all on the table.

Live with intention: When my son Grayson passed away, it forced me to take a good hard look at how I spend my time. Where I spend my time. With whom I spend my time. You see time is something that we can’t get back. So if I am going to exchange my time for something, it is going to be something that damn well better light a fire within me. I am no longer available for anything, any one, any circumstance that doesn’t align with who I am and who I want to be and where I want to go. I other words if I can’t say “Hell yes!”, it’s a hard no. I’m just not doing it. No explanation needed.

Lead with Gratitude: I have been preaching to anyone who will listen the importance of gratitude over the last 4.5 years. Gratitude saved my life once before and it has saved me once again and I know that there will come a time in my future where gratitude will save me yet again. Everything that I say “hell yes” to, will be securely rooted in gratitude. In every area of my life, the foundation of gratitude has been laid. In all things, I will give thanks.

Leave it all on table: To me this means that I am no longer playing small. I am no longer shrinking into corners that I have been put in. I am no longer living only part of my truth. I used to cringe at the words unapologetic and authentic but I think it was because they were so cliche at one time. But I am embracing who I am 1000% and I am showing up authentically and unapologetically as Jerakah. The real Jerakah. Not the Jerakah I have molded to fit into the box. Not the Jerakah that someone else expects me to be. But the Jerakah I am, in my soul.

As we prepare our hearts and our minds for the upcoming year, I implore you to take some time and figure out what this mantra, this battle cry means to you. Until next time I leave you with this:

Live with Intention . Lead with Gratitude. And Leave it all on the table.

If you enjoyed this blog post, you can listen to the podcast episode by clicking the link below.


Before we say goodbye to 2021…


Baby Things I swear by for the First Year