Adding little luxuries to your life

I know that this is going to ruffle some feathers, and it may even come across as complaining. That is not my intention. Being a new mom is already hard enough before adding in the pressures of mom guilt and mom shaming. I hate that those things even exist. As a new mom, and a wife who stays home, I am finding myself living on a hamster wheel. I get up in the morning, make breakfast, empty the dishwasher, fill the dishwasher, start laundry, sweep the floors, feed the animals, keep tiny humans alive, make lunch, load the dishwasher, prep dinner, eat dinner, bath time, bed time, start dishwasher, and if I am lucky somewhere in there I may get to pee and take a shower. You may be in a similar season and struggling to find the joy in every day. And if you aren’t in a similar season and you find yourself judging those of us who are, SHAME ON YOU!

I wanted to share with you four tips that I have recently started implementing in hopes to feel somewhat human again and less like a robotic machine.

Stop eating off of paper plates and sit down at the table with real dishes.

Now let me preface this by saying, this does not happen every day. This does not happen with every meal. But at least once a day, I make a conscious effort to sit down at my dining room table with a real plate, a real cup and real silverware and I chew my food and savor every bite. Mommas, you know how much of a luxury this is. One that I never truly understood until I spent months shoving food down throat standing at the kitchen counter (or over the stove) in the 2 minutes I had free before the baby started crying again.

Create a beautiful coffee drink.

I love drinking coffee. I love creating beautiful coffee drinks. I enjoy the ritual of making a beautiful cup of coffee. I am no barista and my latte art skills are subpar at best, but it is something that makes me extremely happy. I recently got a nespresso machine and I completely redid my coffee bar set up and it makes my heart so happy to make a real latte in a pretty glass and then look at it lovingly as I wait for its magical powers to kick in. Seriously though, if you don’t make your own, treat yourself to a nice hot drink that hasn’t been reheated 12 times in the microwave today.

Do my nails

I used to go and get my nails done every two weeks like clockwork. The pandemic put a pause to that and then even once things started to reopen, I just wasn’t in a headspace to go. When I was younger I used to really enjoy painting my nails. I found Olive and June during the lockdown and ya’ll their polish is legit. I am so so so hard on my nails and even with beginner painting skills, the polish holds up like a champ.

Wear perfume every day and not just for special occasions.

A few years ago I fell head over heals for this Chanel perfume. It is absolutely Divine. The first bottle I received my husband took me to Macy’s in New York City to the Chanel counter for the full experience and it was so luxurious and I was in heaven living my absolute best life. Whenever I spritz myself with this perfume, I am taken back to that moment in Manhattan and an instant smile appears on my face. I used to save this perfume when special occasions. Then I realized that each day that I open my eyes and see is the special occasion. So it doesn’t matter if I am wearing a ballgown or a nightdress, I wear the Chanel. I haven’t regretted this decision yet.

Wear some form of makeup every day.

Now before you bring out the firing squad hear me out. I have lived through a season of survival. One where you are not even sure you can get out of bed, let alone get dressed and makeup is completely out of the question. I have been there. If you are currently there, know that I see you, I am you and I honor your season of survival. Skip this one. But if you are emerging from the ashes and you are looking for a little extra boost, this is it. Even if it’s mascara and some brow gel. I am by no means saying you have to have a full glam, beat to the gods look every day. Keep it simple and keep it comfortable for you. If a full glam is comfortable, you go girl. If mascara and eyeshadow is where you draw the line, that’s fine too. But a little something every day. It helps. I promise.

Anything else you would add to the list for little luxuries?


What kind of legacy are you willing to leave?


The Year of saying “yes!” to consistency