The Year of saying “yes!” to consistency

2022: Wow. It doesn’t seem possible.  To be completely honest, I think I’m still trying to process 2019 and yet here we are. I saw this shirt that a local boutique is making and it was a play on a Taylor swift song. The shirt said “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 2022.” I was cracking up. Any swifties listening in? I like some of Taylor’s music but I’m not a swifty. Anyways, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I want to talk to you about today. For the past two weeks we’ve been inundated with “new year, new me” talk. Everyone is pitching their weight loss products, gym memberships going on sale and the hype has been real. I used to be one of those people shoving what I thought was helpful tools down peoples throats. Giving unsolicited advice to anyone who passed through one of my social media outlets. I even dabbled a little into some of those icky habits more recently and it just didn’t feel right. And then I realized, isn’t THAT what it’s all about? What feels right to us individually? Not what someone else says is right for us, not what the gym’s commercial says is right for us, not what the girl on Instagram says is right. But what we feel, intuitively to be right for us. What this means is that what is right for me might not be right for you and guess what? That’s ok! 

Going forward around here I will be sharing things that I love and sharing what I’m doing in real time on this journey. There will be times where I share something that I love that will resonate with you and sometimes it won’t. I want to encourage you to use the tools and implement the process I share with you and not necessarily the exact way I do them. Take what you need and make it your own, ok? 

Every year since I believe 2017 I have chosen a word as my theme for the year. In the past, they have been words like abundance, fearless, ignite just to name a few. My word for 2022 is consistency. I struggle with staying consistent hardcore. Like I am so good at starting things, and I usually come out of the gate swinging for the fences and sprinting. But then somewhere along the way, I lose interest and steam and hit burnout and I quit. But not this year. Not this time.

Maybe you are in a similar season of life. Your plate is full: kids, spouse, job, side hustle, church, small group. extra curricular activities for your tiny humans. There isn’t enough time in the day to fit it all in. And that last thing that always gets your attention (if you have any left to give) is you. You put your wants, your needs your necessities and desires on the back burner. You say “one day” you get to __________ (fill in the blank) but one day never comes. Here’s one thing I know to be true: We have to fill our own cups to overflowing and then give the excess to those who need us most.

In order to help me stay consistent and avoid burnout, I have chosen one thing to focus on for each month. For the month of January I am focusing on being consistent with my health, specifically my physical health. I have 2 specific goals that I am working on for this month. 

  1. Move my body every day for at least 30 minutes

    2. Drink an Organifi green juice every morning

Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking “is that it?” And the answer is simply, yes. That’s it. Remember I just told you that I used to be one of the “new year, new me” people who bashed folks over the head, right? Well there’s more. Up until recently I never realized that my relationship with food and exercise hasn’t always been on the up and up.  I tend to get obsessive and not necessarily the good kind. I’ve tried a slew of fad diets and pills, I’ve tried not eating, binging, and more. I can remember watching what I ate for the first time in 6th grade. Y’all that’s like 12 years old. 12 years old and I was worried about not looking like my peers. 13 years old and I was cutting carbs and starving myself. 


So I decided that I’m just going to actively move my body for 30 minutes every day this month. That can be walking, It can be spinning, it can be yoga. But I will move for 30 minutes every day this month. Back in 2021 I made a goal to drink an Organifi green juice every day. I made it most of the year but I fell off for a little bit. I found Organifi in April of 2020. I saw someone that I follow on Instagram talking about how they had finally found a green juice that checked all the boxes. Low on the glycemic index, jammed packed with super nutrients and didn’t taste like mud. It peaked my interest. So I ordered some and I liked it. So I started drinking it.  I shared it on my IG stories from time to time. When Grayson passed away in January of 2021, I received a handwritten card in the mail from the corporate team at Organifi. They sent their condolences to Trevor, Brayden Jax and I. And they mention Grayson by name as well. They also sent a gift card for our family. I was overwhelmed with gratitude. These people were complete strangers to me. They didn’t owe me anything and to be honest, I didn’t even know they knew I existed. The Organifi team has become family to me. And I’m so honored to have partnered with them. Organifi has graciously given my followers a discount code for 15% off. Use code Slaydies at checkout to save on all things Organifi.


One of the biggest lessons I learned from 2021 was to trust my gut and trust my intuition. If I’m still enough, if I listen hard enough, I know what my body needs and what I need to do to fuel it correctly. So this month I’m focusing on that. Freeing myself from the decades of restrictions and healing my relationship with my body. I’m really excited about this. I know that other healthy habits will follow as a domino effect by starting with these two things. I am focusing on consistency remember, so I don’t want to overwhelm myself with adding all of these things I need to do and then not do anything. 

In addition to the physical things I’m doing, I’ve picked 2 books that I’m going to read this month that goes along with this theme. The first book is Breaking free from body shame by Jess Connolly and the second is 13 things mentally strong women don’t do by Amy Morin. Both of these books are linked in the resources down below.

I found this quote that resonated with me when I read it and I want to share it with you:


Pretty powerful, right? I wanted to use part of this quote as my monthly affirmation. My affirmation for the month (which I say out loud every morning and every night) is this:

Today I am taking one more step toward my most authentic, wholehearted self.

It is my hope and desire that you will take some time after reading this and choose 2 things that you can focus on this month that will get you one step closer to being your most authentic, wholehearted self. Stay tuned because we will be diving into how to implement and stay (you guessed it) consistent.

Until Next time,



Organifi Green Juice (use code SLAYDIES at checkout to receive 15% off)

Breaking Free From Body Shame

13 Things Mentally Strong Women don’t do

Erin Condren Notebooks + Planners (this code will get you $10 off your first order)


Adding little luxuries to your life


Before we say goodbye to 2021…